snuck up on me this year, per usual, but I did remember to send in my absentee
ballot a few months ago. I was studying abroad just before the last election
and was confronted with the same scenarios this time around in Senegal as I was
in France.
People are more informed about American politics than I would have
assumed but the information that they have is either reverberated back,
not actually understood on a conceptual level, or only a part of the picture. A
majority of the people that I spoke with about the elections, with the
conversation always being brought up on their end, seem to favor Obama but
there are the few, like my host brother, who were all about Romney. Either
way my election night was spent at the Tambacounda Regional House since I had
to be in Thies the following day for IST (In Service Training); I live a good
ten hours away from Thies so I thought it would be wise to get a head start.
The polls were still open in the west coast when I went to bed but I woke up
with Obama being favored to be re-elected, yay! Now I have to insert a line or
two as to why I voted for Obama to prove that I voted for him for other reasons
than the color of his skin or good looks; 1) his position on gay marriage 2)
his position on abortion 3) his support for a national healthcare system and 4) I think that four years is not long enough to
be productive. That being said we will see what we can do in the next four
years; I say we because he does not pass or reject laws, he works with a large
number of politicians all starting at the local level. 
Anthony, and I left for the garage at 6am to meet up with Jenn, the usual crew
because we are all coming from about as far south as you can get and
transportation is never fun, let alone by yourself. This trip was going to be a
little bit different than the usual trip up north; we were also transporting a
puppy! I thought this was a great thing while the other travelers were not so
enthusiastic. We were not able to leave the garage right away upon our arrival
because there was still 3 spaces left in the car in front of us that was
Thies-bound and we needed three more people to fill our car. Instead of using
common sense and combining the cars we were forced to wait until the first car
filled up and then ours to leave. We were more than a little impatient after
waiting for about three hours and not moving so we bought the three remaining
seats with the hope to pick up people along the way. We were off. The car ride
was pretty smooth since we were all able to stretch out a little bit since the
car was only about half full. Puppy, still nameless, slept for the first hour
of the 7 hour trip; its hard keeping a puppy confined to a small box while on a
road trip, he was restless to say the least. Since nobody wanted to take
responsibility for this dog, Jenn found it outside and another volunteer up
north said she would take it; I took on the responsibility of ensuring that he
was properly taken care of during our road trip. Senegalese almost never
consider animals as pets, they see it as wasting valuable resources and time on
something that could go towards a human life and with this being said our
driver was very confused why I was treating this dog better than some people
treat their kids. He would pee in his dirt lined box that was acting as more of
a litter box than a bed, we would take him on small walks during our pit stops
and when he was getting REALLY restless I would feed him more milk in hopes
that he would go into a food coma. We were unable to find locals along the way
so we picked up the three other volunteers that lived off the main road along
our trip. Our trip started out with four Americans and a dog and ended with the
car full of us Peace Corps volunteers, with our dog, our driver was having a
great time I am sure. As much fun as I had with our new little friend 8 hours
or so was plenty of time to spend with him on my lap in a box, I was excited to
get back to the training center.
are back at the training center for IST; I am beginning to feel like I never
left. During this ten-day period we have sessions such as Grant Writing,
Reporting Statistics to the Peace Corps, Focus Groups (in each of our areas
such as Waste Management), and Monitoring and Evaluation. All of these sessions
should help us once we get back to site be more effective with our projects. There
are so many things that I am learning here and its making me excited and
nervous about my project at the same time. There are things we are doing right
(having a motivational team, proper bookkeeping attempts, connections with the
right people in the community) and things that we could use some guidance on
(we are charging half of what we should, we don’t have enough workers, we need
a sorting site) with one thing getting in the way; funding. There are so many
International NGO’s (non-government organizations) that come to underdeveloped
countries and just dump money thinking they are helping solve a problem of lack
of money when in reality one of the main problems besides money is a lack of
knowledge and dumping money does not create sustainability for these countries
to be able to survive once the rich people go back home. I am torn on all the
small details right now that can either make or break our business and after
consulting with some volunteers who are working with similar projects I think I
have figured out that I need to not be afraid to fail and while using my
learned skills and background experiences I should just go with what I think is
right. We are only charging 550CFA a month for our services when other towns
nearby are charging 1000CFA. Our customers buy our trashcans while other
villages rent them out to have collateral in case households don’t pay. We have
one small cart with walls while others have found success in stacking the waste
in rice sacks on flatbed type carts. I have one full time employee now (the
other quite to work in his field) while others find it easier to work with two
part time employees in case time off is ever needed. These are just some of the
things that are stumping me at the moment that I need some advice on if anyone
wants to put in their two cents.
is coming up and since I was already 9/10ths of the way to Dakar I am heading
to the big city for the holiday. The Ambassador has a party for Americans in
Senegal each year, which I hear is a smashing time. Everyone gets dressed up,
drinks fancy American drinks that you could only dream of at site and eats
little appetizers that I can’t even imagine what they would be right now
because it seems like forever ago that I had real food! Usually only volunteers
belonging to the Region of Dakar are invited to the party but since I am
already pretty much in Dakar I requested to get on the list and we will cross
our fingers that when I show up they let me in.
in summary life right now is pretty good. Classes can get long and seemingly
tedious sometimes but I am eating a lot better than at site, I get to play with
a puppy all day and I am reunited with all my friends. It’s just like PST all
over again; movie nights, happy hours at Church (the name for the bar and since
Muslims don’t drink they name the bar after our place of worship) and long
walks on the beach. Ok I made that last part up there is no beach.
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