I am not sure if this is weird but I sort of feel like I
have entered into an arranged marriage. Now I have never been married so I am
not going to claim to be an expert but I think that the relationship that I
have naturally formed with someone would be what I would expect an arranged
marriage to be like; my counterpart, Amadou.
Amadou and I |
Sure we are work partners, that’s
obvious, but he is sort of my key to the city. He is like the cool kid at
school and I am the new student who just wants to be liked and fit in. Now I
guess I consider our relationship this way because as lazy as I want to be
sometimes I feel almost forced to go to his house and sit in the awkward
silence of no common first language in attempt to “integrate”. I know its
important to be a part of the community that I want to someday help, and I get
that, but I thought it would come with time. And Amadou, being truly Senegalese,
questions if I am mad at him or miss my family back in America if a few days go
by without contact on my part. And have you ever been forced to be friends with
someone? It’s a lot of work. I have to admit though as time passes of me being
in Vélingara it is becoming less and less of a chore to go over to his house,
create small talk and show interest in his family. I kind of like the guy now.
I would guess he is in his forty’s, two wives and I am not sure how many
children but if I were to throw a number out there I would say five, all of
whom look EXACTLY like him. While we are becoming more comfortable and familiar
with each other I feel more like an old married couple than a young wife of an
arranged marriage. I am beginning to have fun on our trips; when we go to the
bank where I pull the “I’m a white volunteer here to save the city and I don’t
want to wait in line to withdraw money” card. Just the other morning during my
morning jaunt, I would call it a run but I would be a disgrace to those who
actually call themselves runners, I found him walking down the road because his
motorcycle broke down. I recognized his outfit from a mile away and when I was
about to pass him I instead decided to start running circles around him as he
continued to walk. He was mildly amused to say the least. I think he was more
surprised in the fact that when I say I went running and return home all sweaty
I actually did go running, and there I was caught in the act and he saw it with
his own two eyes. To circle back to my original point though we started off
almost being forced to have a relationship I thoroughly get a kick out of him
now and am excited for the work we have ahead of us. He is a go-getter, which
is a rarity in this country, and I couldn’t have gotten stuck with a better
work partner.
While on the topic of men in this country I am learning to
appreciate being born in the US. As a woman in the global community it has
become more real just how unfair life is for many women. You see articles on
the news or hear jokes about how men are more superior but being raised by a
very strong woman I never really saw just how insignificant my gender gets
treated. I was always taught that my twin brother (shout out Eddy Spaghetti) and
I could be whatever we wanted to be when we grew up and it didn’t matter that I
was a girl or he a boy. I grew up seeing one side of the story, the one where
women and men are equal; mom and dad taking turns working, cooking meals, going
to school/taking classes, showing up to sporting events. But now, after living
in Senegal for a very short period of time, I am seeing the other side. The
side that I hope won’t last forever and my children will never see. My host
brother’s wife for example; born from a father working in politics on a
national level and marrying a teacher but never had the chance to finish middle
school. I hold out for hope for other women but if someone who was dealt those
cards can’t get minimum education in this country, who can? Instead, after my
brothers wife meet a potential husband, her teacher may I add, she was expected
to drop out of school and start a family. Being a year older than she is right
now I could not imagine my life raising three young children while doing all
the housework. No way. Again how lucky I am to be born in a country with
women’s rights and parents who expected more of me than to be a housewife.
To wrap up my random thoughts I can see why so many
projects focus on working with women’s groups here in Senegal. They need all
the encouragement and tools for success they can get. While my stint as a bank
teller woo’ing, budget keeping wife will be short lived I will forever be
grateful for just how important and appreciated women are back in the mother
country. Girl power.
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