was called the other day by a good friend in country, Lisa, who was telling me
how she was going to try and fast for a couple of days with her family. We are
in the middle of Ramadan and while we were here last year for this event that
millions around the world partake in, I usually don't think twice about it, for I
relate it to something Muslims do and since I am not Muslim I didn’t see how I
could get involved. Though I am pretty sure I could fast for the whole month if
I really wanted to the fact remains that I don’t want to and, honestly, I don’t
have to. I think there is something respectful to be said about someone who
understands and shows empathy for those who have less, or nothing so I decided to
partake in the challenge for the day and drag Alexx along with me because, why
not? We set a day, I made sure to have a clear schedule and our minds were made
up, lets fast.
17, 2013
4:45am My alarm is going off, kind
of eager to start this challenge for the day that, thankfully being born into
the family that I was, is so unknown to me.
5:00am My brother knocks on my door
– I eat leftovers from dinner the night before, bread and coffee as the morning
meal that Muslims are permitted before the sun rises. Nene, Abidina and Ouseman
join in while Ablaye (the two year old) seemed wide awake and called for coffee
while in bed, does he ever sleep?
5:24am I am eating two bananas and
drinking a half-liter of water before heading back to bed to have somewhat of a
healthy meal before the fast- this will be the last that my stomach will know
for more than twelve hours.
5:29am Just got off the pone with
Lisa and Alexx to make sure they were up and in this with me- they both were
pleasantly awake and reassured me that they were too off to bed and would call
later once they were needing some mental preoccupation.
5:34am Crawling into bed feeling and
pretty full. Not like Thanksgiving full but ate-and-drank-way-too-much-at-happy-hour
full. Not complaining.
Breaking fast with my family and site mates (left-right: Jordan, Mari, Kim, Me, Nene) |
6:08am Going to try and get some sleep
– since coffee was on the menu I was wide-awake entirely too early to actually
start my day and had decided to watch an episode of Sex and the City.
6:45am Going to the bathroom, expected.
7:30am Going to the bathroom, not
9:35am Going to the bathroom, do I
have a bladder infection?
10:50am Convincing myself to get
out of bed to run some errands around town. Other than the expected fatigue, I
am feeling fine at this point so I figured I should at least be productive.
12:13pm Home from errands, finally
have a new gas tank, and I am thirsty. It is starting to hit though it is still
more than manageable at this point. I better go read or something to keep my
mind preoccupied from how hungry I assume I am going to start to become.
1:27pm Tired and a lack of energy,
which is how I feel now. I want to keep reading so that I can be done with this
American classic, Little Women, which
everyone seems to love but I can’t seem to get into. I should have planned
better to be reading a book I actually want to read while trying to preoccupy
my mind.
2:06pm First stomach growl. That
wasn’t too bad and later than I had expected.
5:26pm I have tried to occupy
myself with a movie, talking on the phone, visiting Jordan at her house, though
she was not home, and now I am left to watching Nene cook the break fast meal
and dinner. Pure torture. I am not looking at the food as something to eat but
more so looking at the water that they wash the dishes, rinse the vegetables,
or boil to cook the rice in as some novelty item. I am beyond thirsty. The
second it turns time to break fast I am dumping a bucket of water on my head!
6:12pm I would compare my level of
thirst right now to the children that you see on tv drinking dirty pond water
because they have no other option, I would drink pond water if given the
7:02pm Jordan has done a great job
of trying to keep my mind busy the last hour with her visit to my house, though
it has not entirely worked. I am beyond thirsty. Mouth full of sand thirsty.
Almost done.
7:34pm And it is time. Dates are
being passed around but since I don’t like them, too artificial for me with all
the stuff they add to them, mostly sugar, when they sell them here, I passed
and went straight for my buttered bread, coffee and ice cold water. Water has just
about never tasted so good, maybe after a long bike ride when you are dripping
sweat, but it is still pretty nice right now. My brother looks over at me and
says words like “cool” and “nice” which somehow made their way into the local
language meaning “how is it going”. It was a pretty peaceful moment, I found my
self dazing off being thankful for all I have, all that I have accomplished and
being able to break fast with my family while actually knowing what it feels
like to not eat or drink all day.
Content, happy and satisfied with how I feel right now. Though people fast
during Ramadan for religious purposes there is a population, especially among
Peace Corps volunteers, that fast for the sake of solidarity, not just between
us and our families but us and those around the world that go without food and
water every day. Though it was only one day I now have a better understanding
for what it is like to look at someone eating or drinking something, while they
are not thinking much about it, and thinking how I would love to be in their
9:07pm Full. Just finished dinner
and can’t imagine putting another bite in my stomach, this is what I had been
waiting for all day but seem too full to be satisfied. Why can’t I seem to find
a healthy balance?
summary, Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, is celebrated
during the entirety of the month each year throughout the Muslim population.
Since the calendar is lunar the month of fasting results in varying dates each
year. I don’t want to make blanket statements or spit facts about the
population among us that go hungry and thirsty each day because I don’t know
them. I do know that there is something that each of us can do to help those
less fortunate have access to things such as clean drinking water, something we
consider so basic and a right in America and take advantage of every day. So I
would like to give you this challenge, friends and family, do good. Buy coffee
for the person behind, bring fresh flowers to your neighbor, or send a note to a
long lost friend. I know it is in you, I have faith.